Al-Bustani v. Alger et al
 Case Number: 3:22-cv-05238
US District Court for the Western District of Washington
17 U.S.C. § 501 Copyright Infringement 


Religious Fanatics and Religious Fanaticsm are the anti-thesis of Tracy R. Twyman and Tracy R. Twyman Estate.

Tracy Twyman and Tracy Twyman Estate are not affiliated with the parties of 'S. B. Alger', 'S. B. Alger Studio', 'James Maiden', nor 'Weaving Spider Web'.

Please be advised that the parties above are not hired nor endorsed by Tracy Twyman Estate.

Absolutely the parties above do not, nor their statements do represent Tracy Twyman nor the estate in any form.

The presumed association of the parties above with Tracy R. Twyman's image is fraudulent and did necessitate a legal action from Tracy R. Twyman Estate.

Nor the parties listed, are equipped with the sufficient intellectual capacity and necessary culture, nor do demonstrate a history of such, as the moral character is lacking, to postulate valid public "statements" regarding Tracy R. Twyman body of work, and "statements" regarding the histories of the late Tracy R. Twyman life and career.

Including statements that are advertised publicly by the parties above, regarding Tracy Twyman's 'religion' and "system of beliefs", and statements addressing her mental state and mental health and the circumstances of Tracy's death.

Tracy Twyman, and her Estate, do not uphold nor are part of he "religion" and "system of beliefs" of the aforementioned parties as claimed and advertised publicly, as a defamatory statement, by the same parties in concern.

Nor the Estate allows Tracy Twyman posthumous presence to be derided by such claims; (generally and broadly) nor do consider, nor do regard any of the religious fanaticism of any pseudo sects, absurd sectsreligious cults, and sub "system of beliefs"; nor do entertain the inherit bigotry and other vehement maladies of religious fanaticism, the hypocrisy, with such's sole ethos in canceling the 'other'; canceling the 'other's' right to human dignity, canceling the 'other's' identity, canceling the 'other's' history, canceling the 'other's' right to their 'system of beliefs', and canceling the 'other's' right to their own property.

(as demonstrated and "religiously" against the late Tracy Twyman and her Estate; with the never ceasing acts of maliceful defamation, accusations, tarnishing of Tracy R. Twyman reputation, and especially her Estate's reputation for perpetrators own benefits or in accordance with their "system of beliefs").

(For our European readers: such are prevalent in the Mid-West and the West Coast areas and states in the United States).

Nor Tracy Twyman and her estate did share "Tracy Twyman" mailing list with the parties aforementioned; nor we approve of the abuse that issues from the illegal usage of Tracy Twyman's mailing list by the parties aforementioned.

Nor Tracy Twyman, nor her Estate are part of 'Rx Only Picture Show' Discord servers activities including those of the moderators; nor are affiliated, nor endorse the "hate speech" statements that are expressed publicly within these servers including but not limited to statements that are defined as 'antisemitism' and express a sentiment of antisemitism.

We absolutely do not tolerate hate, nor 'hate speech' in any form or expression.
Such is also against our ideology, ideals, humanism and what the Estate stands for. 

New: Purchase Book Title Directly from the Print House at Discounted Price
List for All Books Available for Direct Purchase

Solomon's Treasure: The Magic And Mystery of America's Money

 A Historic Reprint of The 1st Edition 

      It is commonly known that the United States was founded by men with a philosophy grounded in the occult: namely Freemasons who saw in the US a potential "New Atlantis", which would guide the nations towards a New World Order of peace, democracy, and enlightenment. But what few people understand is the correlation between the esoteric doctrines of Masonry and the economic principles that underpin the American economy. Few understand that the dollar is a unit of magical energy, and the dollar bill itself a magical talisman. Although many words have been written by conspiracy theorists analyzing the Masonic symbols on the one dollar bill, no one has yet been able to sufficiently explain why these symbols are there, or what they really mean.

     Solomon’s Treasure explains how the magic of the dollar operates. The creation of money by the Federal Reserve, and its exponential multiplication by the procedures of the banking system, is analogous to the creation and multiplication of gold in the metaphysical "science" of alchemy. The members of the Federal Reserve Board are in many ways like sorcerers, conjuring wealth seemingly out of thin air and distributing it at will to transform the American economy according to their desires. The dollar is "fiat currency", declared into existence by the central bank in a manner similar to the creation of the universe by the divine words "Let there be light!"

     This system depends entirely on a religious faith by the American people in the supernatural power of the dollar. This faith is reinforced by the financial terminology currently in use, as well as by watchwords and symbols found on American money. These act as magical charms, and also act as tokens of communal trust in, and fidelity to, the dollar as an institution. Every time a person spends a dollar, or accepts a dollar as payment, they are confirming their belief in the dollar, and using it to exercise their spiritual will. Even the familiar dollar ($) sign has an occult meaning which is linked with these ideas.

     Solomon’s Treasure reveals the role played by the Knights Templar in the development of capitalism and the modern banking system. Because of their pivotal contributions, numerous modern financial terms, monetary concepts, and banking practices can be traced back to the Templars. Perhaps most shocking are the links between the treasure of King Solomon, purportedly discovered by the Knights Templar, and America’s wealth. In Solomon’s Treasure, author Tracy R. Twyman explains how time-honored esoteric wisdom principles of wealth creation have been passed down through the ages: from King Solomon, to the Knights Templar, to the Freemasons, and ultimately to the architects of the US dollar.

Book Front Cover: Solomon's Treasure: The Magic And Mystery of America's Money

The Black Mass Articles

 A Posthumous Publication of Tracy R. Twyman by Mystagogue Publications. 

6x9 Printed with Premium Colour print Paperback (Available)
6x9 Printed with Priemium Colour on 70lb Paper, Hardcover (Available)

     A collection of Tracy R. Twyman articles pertaining The Black Mass, touching upon the subjects of Sadism and Surrealism.

     Most of the images in this collection were originally accompanied with the articles, and from the collection of images that Tracy saved yet did not use for the specific article they were designated for; or later were used with a different book or article.

          Table of Contents

• The Origin of Sado-Masochism In The Black Mass And Witch’s Sabbath
• Is The Black Mass A Christian Rite?
• The Real Meaning Of The Baptism Of Wisdom: Excerpt From Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled
• Surrealism And Sinister Cults
• The Origin Of The Word “Mass"

      Published on Print by Mystagogue Publications 

Book Cover Back: The Black Mass Articles Back Book Cover Front: The Black Mass Articles

Secret Statutes of The Templars

Print size 6x9 B&W (Available) | Kindle (Available)
    "I am pleased to present the world’s first English translation of The Secret Statutes of the Templars, discovered by Theodor Merzdorf in a Masonic library, having been copied from a document found in the Vatican Archives, and then translated by him into German, and published 1877, shortly after Merzdorf’s sudden and early demise at age 29.

    The authenticity of these statutes has been a matter of controversy for almost 150 years, but due to the language barrier, few in the English-speaking world are familiar with them. My own investigation into the matter of the Templars… indicates that these statutes may very well be authentic, for the practices detailed therein– spitting on the cross, exposure of the “male member” during initiation, the repetition of Islamic prayers, and fraternizing with the Saracen enemy, along with Druzes, Cathars, Bogomils, and other heretics, as well as the worship of the idol Baphomet–are all consistent with the continuum of tradition that connects the Templars with their Gnostic predecessors, and their Freemasonic descendants, according to… research.

    The content here is also consistent with the revelations contained in the Chinon Parchment, detailing the confessions that Templars made to Pope Clement V, which were discovered in the Vatican Archives… Part of what connects all the seemingly disparate sects within the continuum of tradition previously mentioned is a belief that those who have received the “Baptism of Wisdom”–called here the Baptism of Fire–are literally above the law: not just man’s law, but the law of Moses–so that nothing they choose to do may be counted against them.

We find this attitude in sects as far-flung as the Ismailis of the Middle Ages and modern Aleister Crowley-following “Thelemites.” It is, most likely, what was meant when it was said that the Cathars (a.k.a. the Albigensians) could “no longer sin” after they went through the sacred consolamentum rite, or the “Rite of Perfection,” alleged in these documents to have been practiced by the Knights Templar as well."

     Tracy R. Twyman

Book Front Cover: The Secret Statutes of The Templars

F-A-K-E News Unboxing The Compass

Print size 6x9 B&W (Available) | Kindle (Available) 

    "John Dee, court astrologer and intelligence agent to Queen Elizabeth I. He invented the so-called “Enochian” ritual magic system—or rather, channeled it from self-identified “angels” using a divination technique called “scrying.” Alchemy was one of his primary studies .. alchemical treatise Monas Hieroglyphica..

    Monas Hieroglyphica is about a secret formula to recombine the elements of the universe into one thing—the Monad—thus uncreating the universe, with the power then to create a new one. Specifically, these elements are represented as metals, corresponding to the seven “classical planets” or heavenly lights recognized by the old world, which included the Sun, Moon, and five visible planets."

     Tracy R. Twyman

   Did Queen Elizabeth's John Dee with the help of his "Masonic" brothers, create our New World that we do live in today through magic?

   Find out what a Baphomet Ouija Board seance session, a planetary presence revealed to Tracy R. Twyman via formulation of obscure letters, and diagram-like shapes, where she signifies the meanings to explore the themes of parallel universes, travel to the Underworld, artificial worlds within artificial worlds in her book “Fake N.E.W.S.: Unboxing the compass” as well as doppelgangers and golems.  

Book Front Cover: F-A-K-E News Unboxing The Compass

The Vessel of God:
The Luciferian Legacy: The Mysterious Origin of the Bloodline of the Holy Grail

Hardcover size 7x10 B&W (Available)   Paperback size 6x9 B&W (Available)

    The Vessel of God is Tracy Twyman's first book she wrote as Dagobert's Revenge Magazine already had gained fame and notoriety among the underground culture. The book was never published. Yet some of the chapters are what she published as The Merovingian Mythos. The Vessel of God is more of a comprehensive work regarding Tracy Twyman's narrative of the Holy Grail.

      Included in this book also, a Dagobert's Revenge Magazine article where Tracy Twyman and Boyd Rice did visit Rennes-le-Château for a potential T.V. documentary, with photographs documenting Tracy's findings at her trip.

      Also, included in this book an interview with Tracy Twyman from the German Wolfzeit Magazine in 2001.

      "Since the discovery of hidden coded parchments by the town priest in 1891, the tiny village of Rennes-le-Chateau, France has been linked with the Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, and the royal Merovingian dynasty, which has been said to draw its lineage from Christ himself. Now there is conclusive evidence that the mysteries of the Grail, the Merovingian bloodline, and Rennes-le-Chateau have roots that are far more ancient than the time of Christ. - perhaps more ancient than recorded history.

      Can the bloodlines of European monarchs, as well as those of Christ and King David, be traced back to an ancient race said to have “come from Heaven”? Were hidden monuments in Rennes-le-Chateau, including vast underground structures and artificial mountains, built by the master masons of this ancient race? Could events in the Bible, such as the expulsion from Eden, the landing of Noah’s Ark, and the vision of Jacob’s ladder have taken place not in the Middle East, but in Southern France? Is it possible that the greatest discovery of all time - the location of the fabled “Cave of Treasures” from Judeo-Christian apocrypha - lies beneath this enchanted landscape, waiting to be found? Is this the real “Holy Grail”? And what does the Grail have to do with Lucifer? Learn the truth behind the legends, and the secret history of civilization. Read The Vessel of God."  

The Vessel of God: The Luciferian Legacy: The Mysterious Origin of the Bloodline of the Holy Grail

The Rule of the Iron Scepter

Also Known
The Apocalypse Plot

 A Posthumous Publication of Tracy R. Twyman by Mystagogue Publications.

Paperback 5.5"x11.5" on 70 lb. Paper, Pages: 18 (available) | Kindle (available)

Reprint of a rare booklet by Tracy R. Twyman from Dagobert's Revenge Magazine publication era
[B&W on 70lb Paper, size 5.5"x8.5"]

 The Rule of the Iron Scepter (The Apocalypse Plot), is a 13-14 pages booklet essay written in 2001 for Dagobert's Revenge Magazine. Possibly a supplementary material that came with an issue of the magazine.

The Rule of the Iron Scepter,
Also Known As 
The Apocalypse Plot
© 2001 Dagobert's Revenge

      Published on Print by Mystagogue Publications 

Book Cover Back: The Rule of the Iron Scepter: The Apocalypse Plot Book Cover Front: The Rule of the Iron Scepter: The Apocalypse Plot

Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum
Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall

Editing & Endnotes
Of the First English Translation
Latin original first published in: Fundgruben des Orients (Treasures of the Orient), Volume 6, Vienna, 1818

This edition is the Translation, and Endnotes portion without the introduction (Meet Mete) , for those only are seeking the translated work of Hammer-Purgstall.
Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum A posthumous publication of the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman

Paperback, Print on 6"x9" 70lb Paper (Available) | Hardcover, Print on 6"x9" 55lb Paper  (Available)

     Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum essay first English translation from Latin. Written by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall. first published in Vienna 1818. with Endnotes by the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman. Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is an important Latin text that has been frequently referenced but rarely read by researchers on the subject for over 200 years.

     "Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is, in addition to being a study of history, also a piece of history itself, and is history's most important document pertaining to Baphomet, aside from the Templar trial documents themselves... This is because... while the story of Baphomet (as an entity under that name) may have begun with the Templars, it really developed as a concept mostly since Hammer‐Purgstall's time, under his influence, both directly and indirectly."

     Tracy R. Twyman

Book Front Cover: Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Translation & Endnotes

Meet Mete

 A Posthumous Publication of Tracy R. Twyman by Mystagogue Publications.

A Premium Color Print on 7"x10" paper. (Available)
[Only the Introduction portion to the translation]

     Meet Mete, is Introduction to the first English Translation of Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, 1818.

      In this introduction the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman delves and with “fascinating and utterly perfect nexus of symbolism and etymology” into the concepts of Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum (The Mystery of Baphomet Revealed), where the author claimed to have discovered a number of idols and other artifacts on former Templar properties, the imagery of which allegedly sheds light on the heretical secret rites and beliefs of the Templars.

     “In my opinion, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatumis, in addition to being a study of history, also a piece of history itself, and is history’s most important document pertaining to Baphomet, aside from the Templar trial documents themselves... This is because... while the story of Baphomet (as an entity under that name) may have begun with the Templars, it really developed as a concept mostly since Hammer‐Purgstall’s time, under his influence, both directly and indirectly.

     "[F]rom my own experience on this project, I do believe that this text, the images, and indeed the entire subject matter, is cursed. I have had... frankly the worst luck of my life, while studying the subject of Baphomet for the last sixteen years, especially whenever I tried to focus on the Hammer‐Purgstall translation in particular. .. [I] have even have a term we have coined— “the Fog”—for the mental confusion, inertia, and weariness we felt overtake [me] whenever [I] sit down to work on it. ..The curse of Baphomet strikes again!"

     "…I think the curse on Mysterium Baphometis Revelatumwas intended to prevent anybody from getting as far as I have with making sense of this particular text, and from publishing it. If you are reading this, then that means the curse has failed, and maybe, with the help of the benevolent deity (however he may be identified), this demon guardian has been destroyed." So please, carry on, dear seeker, forward and beyond!" 

     The Introduction Meet Mete, is rich with images that add into Tracy's conceptualization through the language, a more vivid experience. Thus we had to print this volume in colour to preserve the experience of reading Tracy R. Twyman as she intended.

      With the exception of three images throughout the book, all these images are from Tracy's original essay, and from her cache of images that she chose not to include in the work at the moment.

     Tracy did intend to publish her Meet Mete essay as a book besides publishing the translation of Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum , Fake N.E.W.S.: Unboxing the Compass, Secret Statutes of The Templars, and The Secret of Minnie's Mousse.

      She did plan to have the last four titles in limited editions print.

     A quality, that must all have felt and experienced about Tracy's writings, that it does leave a lasting impression on the psyche. That is, you will see her concepts that you have just read, demonstrated here and there in your daily life, as if in synchronicity. And the concepts that she presents do take a hold on the reader, that they begin, in the back of your mind as you are going through your daily life, playing almost forcing themselves, or finding their way into the stream of consciousness to find yourself thinking about the realities she is trying to convey, perhaps, thinking to yourself, what if such realities were more 'real' than what we think.

     After all, she was very able in magick, and she does create magick until this hour as you are reading Tracy's words; Tracy's writings are part of this pleasing current of the magical and strange.

               Reviewed by Mystagogue Publications

Book Cover Back: Meet MeteBook Cover Front: Meet Mete

Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge

Pierce the veil! Glimpse the hidden truth about the history of money and the secret science of alchemy! In this volume, Tracy R. Twyman reveals how the entire global economy is based upon the principles and processes of this ‘Royal Art.’

Discover the connections between economics and ghastly rituals from the past that include child sacrifice, eating human flesh, and bathing in blood. Learn the occult origin of the dollar symbol, and the truth about the mysterious demon named ‘Baphomet’ who helped the Knights Templar to invent the banking system.

See what arcane magic is at work in such things as the Federal Reserve, the Social Security system, free trade, taxation, the minimum wage, the fiscal year, and consumerist Christmas. Unlock the mystery of the Golden Age of Saturn, a time of prosperity and peaceful anarchy that purportedly existed in the past, and will come again, perhaps sooner than we could ever be prepared for.

Book Cover Front: Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge

Dagobert's Revenge

Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism
(Volume 2 Number 1)

 Dagobert's Revenge Volume 2, Number 1 | Re-Issue in booklet format
[Color Edition on 70lb Paper] (Available)

Reissued from the original files.

           Table of Contents

Le Serpent Rouge.

Who’s Dagobert? A bio of the magazine’s mascot.
A Word From the Editor Process of Elimination: a recommended list of pigs to be slaughtered in the com- ing revolution.
The Distinguished Heads of the Prieuré de Sion

Poussin’s Secret Revealed
In Defense of Kingship: an editorial. Desposyni: Some of Christ’s most fa- mous living descendants.
Grail-Like Objects: an exploration of the mythos.
Stuarton House: the lowdown.
HE Sir Scott Stewart: an interview of galactic proportions.
Prince Michael Stewart: straight form the lips of the would-be king.
All Things Scottish: an illustrated list.
The Mysteries of Crowley’s Emperor Card.
News From the Wasteland.
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkrütz.

The Principles of Ritual, by Frater Per- durabo.
The Physics of Time Travel.
Baphomet: the Dread Head.
Who Put the “Sir” in Francis Bacon?
Protocols of Sion: # 24.
Oliver Stone’s Subliminal Freemasonry.
Fred Berger and the Mormon Under- wear.
Masonic Verses.
Underground Tunnels and Bases. Book review
Masonic Rock: record reviews.
Is That a Brickbat Flying at My Face?
Too Gothic for Your Cat: CD reviews.
The Pros:Amateur quality, professional pretense.


Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism (Volume 2 Number 1)Dagobert's Revenge

Dagobert's Revenge

Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism
(Volume 5 Number 1)

 Dagobert's Revenge Volume 5, Number 1| Re-Issue in booklet format
[B&W Edition on 70lb Paper] (Available)

Reissued from the original files.

            Table of Contents

Le Heiron du Val d’Or, from Henri Lobineau’s Secret Dossiers. Translated by Tracy Twyman
Daughter of God: The Real Story of Joan of Arc. by Boyd Rice.
Between the Swastika and the Cross of Lorraine: The Priory of Sion During WWII. by Tracy Twyman.
Giants on the Earth. by Boyd Rice.
Geometric Revelations: An Interview with Henry Lincoln. by Tracy Twyman.
The Flowering Tomb: A Massive Hidden Structure Beneath Rennes-le-Chateau? by Tracy Twyman.
Out of Chaldea: The Secret Legacy of the Architect-Priests. by Boyd Rice.
 “... Work With the Square and Compass...”: The Hidden Mysteries of Chess and Playing Cards. by Tracy Twyman.
The Occult Roots of Christianity. by Boyd Rice.
The Divine Couple. by Boyd Rice.
“Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Interview with Pogo: a.k.a “Madonna Wayne Gacy.” by Boyd Rice.

Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism (Volume 5 Number 1)Dagobert's Revenge

The Worship of Generative Powers

During The Middle Ages of Western Europe
By Thomas Wright

Book Size 6x9, Print on 70lb paper, Page count 200 (Available Soon) | Kindle (Available Soon)

          Larger and Bulging Visuals and Captivating Images!

 On The Worship of The Generative Powers and 'Mete':

     "I first contacted the British Museum about these caskets in 2014. I was looking for the one with the lid, featuring the bearded "Cybele" figure, when I first asked to look through the catalogue of the Duc de Blacas collection online. When I did, I was shocked to find not only the casket in question (which I had read about in Thomas Wright's book from 1865, Worship of the Generative Powers), but also the other casket, obviously related."

      "One image in particular, from the lid to a coffer found in Burgundy, looks most especially like it might have influenced Eliphas Levi's depiction of Baphomet. It shows a female or androgynous figure crowned with towers a la the goddess Cybele of the ancient world. He/she is holding in each hand a chain, and connected to each chain, floating in the air and upside-down, are the figures of the Sun and the Moon. Below the figure's feet are a 7-pointed star and a pentagram. Between these is a human skull."

     "Thomas Wright's book Worship of the Generative Powers, which was about Priapian fertility cults and witchcraft" is one of the very early, and first references where Hammer-Purgstall's Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum was brought to Tracy Twyman's attention.

     This book is heavily referenced in Tracy's work. The sexual rites of the worship of Priapus, and information about Templar's currency "abbey tokens" were elaborated on in her books like, Merovingian Mythos, Solomon's Treasure, Baphomet: The Mystery Temple Unveiled, Genuflect, of course her Endnotes on Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum; and other work and essays.

     The Worship of The Generative Powers is one of the first listed books in a list Tracy Twyman had, to edit and reprint rare books, (rarer at the beginnings of 2000s), which Tracy also used as her resources in her research and writings.

 We proudly present this reprint, as Tracy intended years ago. Hopefully, the first of a series that contains books from Tracy's "Books to Reprint" list.

            Table of Contents

• Antiquity
• Middle Ages and Renaissance
• Shelah-na-Gigs
• Priapus Worship
• Priapic Amulets
• The 'Fig'
• Sexual Demons
• Phallic Festivals
• May-day
• Midsummer Night
• Plants and Flowers
• Other Festivals
• Mediaeval Secret Societies
• The Knights Templar
• The Witches' Sabbath
• Inniskea
• Illustrations 

During The Middle Ages of Western EuropeThe Worship of Generative Powers
1865By Thomas Wright

Book cover Interior Images or Pattern

The Arcadian Mystique

 A Historic Reprint of The 1st Edition

      Since 1996, Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine has been a beacon to those seeking the light of the Holy Grail. Powerfully written, exhaustively researched, and totally unique, Dagobert’s Revenge was the first and only magazine devoted to the emerging phenomenon of neo-Arcadian culture, breaking ground on many modern occult subjects.

     Mounted on a white horse poised for the future, Dagobert’s Revenge has resolutely heralded the Arcadian Age. And now, the best articles from hard-to-find back issues have been archived into one volume, along with articles never before printed.

     This is a treasure chest of invaluable arcane wisdom.

     Tracy Twyman has been a journalist for ten years, and is a noted expert on the occult. She has studied the Holy Grail mystery for seven years, and from 1996-2004 published Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine - a journal dedicated to the Merovingians, the Grail and Rennes-le-Chateau. Her book The Merovingian Mythos, and the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau was published in October of 2004. She also wrote the introductions for Nicholas de Vere’s The Dragon Legacy: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline; and William H. Kennedy’s Lucifer’s Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church. She is the Lady Grand Master of the Royal and Imperial Dragon Court, and the Exalted Grand Master of the Ordo Lapsit Exillis

Book Front Cover: The Arcadian Mystique: The Best of Dagobert's Magazine

Genuflect 2.0

Genuflect FAQ With Answers
Other Articles

 A Posthumous Publication of Tracy R. Twyman by Mystagogue Publications. 

6x9 Paperback B&W Print (Available)
6x9 Hardcover Premium Color Print on 70lb Paper (Available)

    Genuflect 2.0 is a collection of essays and articles pertaining Tracy R. Twyman novel Genuflect written by herself.

     Adding more external details unto the meaning of her novel, Tracy published online a few articles and essays explaining the meaning of the concepts in her novel Genuflect, and specifying the locations of where the novel takes place in details in London.

     Seeing the popularity of her novel, Genuflect, and the prevalence of the search terms specifically for Genuflect FAQ With Answers essay, this book was compiled from the rare articles and essays, restoring with the text the images that Tracy Twyman included in delineating her ideas visually.

     As perhaps herself being the reincarnate of Mary Shelley, and her Genuflect, being the reincarnate of the Modern Prometheus or Frankenstein's Monster, Tracy Twyman’s Genuflect, remains the most sought after literature from her collection of books.

           Table of Contents

• Genuflect FAQ With Answers
• Bloomberg, Musk, and Mithras: Billionaires busting the Matrix
• Rebirth of Metis: The Meaning of “Dear Prudence”
• Templars, Cybele, Mithras, alchemy, William Blake, Michael Bloomberg, and the City of London
• The Conquering of the Sun rite: Birth of a New Aeon
• The meaning of “taking a knee”: Hiram Abiff & Sept 23
• Black Lives Matter, Freemasons, and the Widow’s Son
• Royal Arch (part 2) 

      Published on Print by Mystagogue Publications 

Book Cover Back: Genuflect 2.0: Genuflect FAQ With AnswersBook Cover Front: Genuflect 2.0: Genuflect FAQ With Answers

Baphomet: The Mystery of Mysteries Unveiled & Other Essays

Print size 6x9 B&W  (Available) | Kindle (Available)
Print 6x9 B&W Hardcover on 70lb (comic book paper thick) Paper ( Available)
     The Mystery of Mysteries Unveiled & Other Essays:
The first collection are essays were published by Tracy R. Twyman through Quintessential Publications in 2009 concerning the Knight Templars and Baphomet's history and meaning. They were to be published into a book by the same title, Baphomet: The Mystery of Mysteries Unveiled .

     These essays served as the basis for her next book BAPHOMET The Temple Mystery Unveiled , published in 2015; which in turn continued into her magnum opus, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum, Introduction & Translation .

     The second collection, are five essays and an interview, regarding the origins of Baphomet, The Knight Templars and their relation to Priory of Sion, the game of chess, taken from Dagobert's Revenge Magazine issues; and the subject of Baphomet and the US financial system (that was elaborated further in her book Solomon’s Treasure: The Magic and Mystery of America’s Money , published in 2005.)

Baphomet: The Mystery of Mysteries Unveiled & Other Essays could be viewed as a well rounded introductory literature thus to connect, or delve further into Tracy's unmatched efforts and work in unveiling the 'mysteries' of Baphomet; also to be familiar with other essential themes and ideas in Tracy's work. That is, Priory of Sion had been a major theme in Tracy's work, and it's relation to Renne le Chateau, the Nephilim, and Atlantis; The chess board, is what her Baphomet Ouija board illustrates as a symbol where Cain or Baphomet does express himself. Immerse yourself into the variety that is presented in this book. 

Book Front Cover: Baphomet: The Mystery of Mysteries Unveiled & Other Essays

Saturn’s Kingdom Transformed Into the Golden Age

Print size 6x9 B&W (Available) | Kindle (Available) 

 REGNUM IN POTENTIA: Saturn’s Kingdom Transformed Into The Golden Age,
a three part essay book by Tracy R. Twyman 

     "Saturn was thought of as the Lord of Unrule, and during this epoch, his subjects wanted for nothing. There was no money, nobody had to work for a living, and all things were held in common. It was a paradise in which everyone was free to do as they wished because there no lack, and therefore no need for involuntary compulsion through violent force. Or so it is implied. . . Saturn is associated with liberty, and a Golden Age of peaceful anarchy. Yet we know that in order to maintain this form of rule, he killed his own children to prevent them from growing up to overtake him. The only reason the Golden Age was so golden was because Saturn’s children were paying the price of the sacrifice. . . . What these myths of the Golden Age, Garden of Eden, and other primordial paradises really point to is the concept of a cosmic center: a kingdom that doesn’t really exist, except in the Otherworld, in potentia. But it is said to be at the heart of our own existence, and its essence can be felt everywhere. It is a place where there is no time as we know it."

    Tracy R. Twyman on the concept of "Regnum in Potentia" 

    This book was packaged and pirated too! without a cover neither!  We had to invent a cover, a bookcover for the package! I wonder who did it?  A fine demonstration of evident "collaboration" and "Organized" effort.. Bravo!  Benedicite omnia opera Domini, Domino!  A couple lines were amiss from a paragraph, and the original publication house name that published it first was misspelled, with the website spelled incorrectly, on the very first page under the book's title!  Tracy's Publication Entity's name was misspelled!". 

     Reviews by Mystagogue Publications

    Another series of the Regnum In Potentia will be published following. Regnum In Potentia: Part III a is the title of the series. Never this work was published before, nor posted online. The body of work is an elaboration of the original Regnum In Potentia: Part III essay where the subject of the “Hero” archetype is the essay's thesis. Part III a is an unfinished book that had been worked on continuously from 2011 to 2014. As expected, the book contains brilliant analysis and in-depth insights and revelations regarding the "Hero" archetype in relation to Mythology and Film, including the Holy Grail, dreams, portals, other dimensions, and more.

     The selection of film quotes that Tracy had jotted down, when read, the lines do strike as aphorisms that address the reader's psyche on a personal level and directly; as the selections do reveal the great wits of the writer, Tracy R. Twyman. Also felt is a sense of a ‘Nietzsche-ian’ self affirmation in her position in life as an individual endowed with knowledge, and an awareness ,that both are confirmed in her selection of the quotes. After all, it is the "Hero" the book is about. After 2014, was the phase when Tracy R. Twyman writings delved more into what she sought the most of her work, a Magnum Opus regarding Baphomet. We do witness this by the number of Tracy’s books pertaining the subject of Baphomet that had been published (and unpublished) afterwards culminating unto her book about Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum. 

Book Front Cover: REGNUM IN POTENTIA: Saturn's Kingdom Transformed Into The Golden Age

Early Interviews of Tracy R. Twyman

 A Posthumous Publication of Tracy R. Twyman by Mystagogue Publications. 

   Early Interviews is a collection of Tracy R. Twyman interviews that she conducted, and others where she was being interviewed. Most of these interviews are from the first five years of Tracy’s career, where she published them in Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, from years 1998 to 2003/2004.

 Included also is the epic interview Tracy had with Peter Levenda about the subject of the Nazi party’s occult roots. This Interview was published earlier by Richard Metzger of “The Disinformation” publication house in the collection The Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult, prefaced by the Scottish comic writer Grant Morrison.

 Also included is an interview that Tracy conducted with Nicholas DeVere, the head of the Dragon Court, a secret society or order, that had Baphomet as a patron. DeVere also was connected to Tracy’s Ordo Lapsit Exillis which introduced the occult into the mainstream culture and sub culture in the Western World in the late 1990’a and early 2000’s. What we see today as fashionable, regarding the occult within the public, is the result of Tracy R. Twyman magic that she channeled into Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine in her early years.

 Wolfzeit Magazine is a German magazine that was almost ‘identical’ to Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine in its theme, logos, and motto. When the publisher found out about Tracy’s Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, he asked for an interview with both Tracy and Boyd Rice. The interview is included in this collection.

The interviews of Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine era are of the pro-Monarchist movement that Tracy was writing breathing life into: “Musick, Magick, Monarchism.


• Geometric Revelations: An Interview with Henry Lincoln
• Interview with Guy Patton, Co-Author of “Web of Gold: The Secret Power of a Sacred Treasure”
• An Interview with Sir Scott Stewart, American Ambassador of the Royal House of Stewart
• An Interview with Prince Michael Stewart of Albany, Head of the Royal House of Stewart
• Boyd Rice, Lord and Conqueror
• My Kingdom is Not of This World: An Interview with Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg
• Peter Levenda and the Magickal Roots of Nazism

• The Rennes-le-Chateau Mystery: A recent interview with Tracy Twyman for the Occulture Festival
• Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau, the Merovingians, and the Priory of Sion
• Interview Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Freemasonry and the Alchemical Secrets of Money   

      Published on Print by Mystagogue Publications 

Book Cover Back: The Black Mass Articles BackBook Cover Front: The Black Mass Articles

Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum
Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall

Editing, Endnotes, and Introduction Of the First English Translation Latin original first published in:
Fundgruben des Orients (Treasures of the Orient), Volume 6, Vienna, 1818

Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum  [Magnum Opus] A posthumous publication of the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman

 Paperback, Premium Colour Edition; 70lb paper, 7"x10" book size (Available)
 Hardcover, Premium Colour Edition; 60lb paper, 7"x10" book size (Available)

      The essay's first English translation from Latin written by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum , first published in Vienna 1818; with Introduction and Endnotes by the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman.

      As the anniversary of the October 13, 1307 mass arrest of the Knights Templar in France looms near, American occult researcher, Tracy R. Twyman has announced that she has, for the first time, traced the real origin and meaning of the blasphemous idol that the Templars were accused of worshiping in secret ceremonies: The Baphomet.

      Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is an important Latin text translated that has been frequently referenced but rarely read by researchers on the subject for over 200 years. In this old text, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum (The Mystery of Baphomet Revealed) by Baron Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, the author claimed to have discovered a number of idols and other artifacts on former Templar properties, the imagery of which allegedly sheds light on the heretical secret rites and beliefs of the Templars.

      If that interpretation is true, these would seem to have included child sacrifice and Devil worship, along with wild orgies of pederasty and bestiality. This translation led Tracy to the discovery that two of the artifacts mentioned in Hammer-Purgstall’s book (items long thought by some writers to be lost to history) have in fact been sitting unnoticed in the British Museum this entire time... and the rest in the book Baphomet: Secret of the Temple Unveiled.”

 From the occult author's own words:

      “In my opinion, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is, in addition to being a study of history, also a piece of history itself, and is history’s most important document pertaining to Baphomet, aside from the Templar trial documents themselves... This is because... while the story of Baphomet (as an entity under that name) may have begun with the Templars, it really developed as a concept mostly since Hammer‐Purgstall’s time, under his influence, both directly and indirectly.

      "[F]rom my own experience on this project, I do believe that this text, the images, and indeed the entire subject matter, is cursed. I have had... frankly the worst luck of my life, while studying the subject of Baphomet for the last sixteen years, especially whenever I tried to focus on the Hammer‐Purgstall translation in particular. .. [I] have even have a term we have coined— “the Fog”—for the mental confusion, inertia, and weariness we felt overtake [me] whenever [I] sit down to work on it. ..The curse of Baphomet strikes again!"

     "…I think the curse on Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum was intended to prevent anybody from getting as far as I have with making sense of this particular text, and from publishing it. If you are reading this, then that means the curse has failed, and maybe, with the help of the benevolent deity (however he may be identified), this demon guardian has been destroyed."

 So please, carry on, dear seeker, forward and beyond!" 

  Throughout her career, Tracy had proceeded many times to create what is worthy of Baphomet, and worthy to her uncanny ability in uncovering the origins of things that proved impossible to others. And she did, yet never enough. Her work on Hammer-Purgstall’s Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is her magnum opus in regards what she sought: a comprehensive statement that marks a landmark within the scholarship on the subject, and the magic, that is of Baphomet; and this was only promised to her.   Her work which is in between hands, demonstrates more complexities and wealth of “fascinating and utterly perfect nexus of symbolism and etymology” that are intricate and radical, shifting and through ‘a sea change’ perspectives that were taken for granted into something that is ‘rich and strange’ revealing the hidden pearls of the perceived obvious; weaving the myths and symbols that were scattered since the destruction of the Tower of Babel, presenting us a tapestry that depicts the ‘lost knowledge’, the original ‘secret’, where these myths sprang from, unifying all. After all, all things do reveal themselves, and Tracy was the conduit, the cataclysm, rather, the mind that created such reality and methods regarding understanding the anatomy of this entity and concept that is named Baphomet

    The book is haunted, and for reasons similar of which “Professor X” [The learned translator of the Essay] have claimed. Did I state that this book is haunted and invoking? One will experience strange and weird happenings and presence the moment one delves into the Introduction and specifically the Translation portions of this book. Physical evidence will surely prove itself before the reader. The imagery that are of Hammer-Purgstall’s essay are by themselves almost living fragments of a relic, of a whole of an egregore that was once well defined within a critical era in our civilization of both the East and the West. And such “Of sprites and goblins” is sensed as one taps into this book’s current. What also I have endured is that Baphomet did want this book to be published as soon as Tracy departed, since it was our duty and task to continue Tracy's legacy and work. There were nights Baphomet had assured that his presence is felt, and perhaps his apparition was seen and witnessed in a febrile dream or a wakeful vision; his psychic efforts with telepathy and inducing images on another’s mind were experienced in his attempts to force this book into the world. 

These entities that are depicted, as they are of the mental world too, be it existent as a thing-in-itself, a living thing, or but within the mind of Man, some were communicated to me before as I was relating to Tracy the mental images that were transmitted showing us more answers to her questions visually, as we were in a seance session with Baphomet or Mete, including a corner stone.

Tracy's research into the matter, the matter of Baphomet, was not just through the means of scholarship or study; Tracy's methods are never one-dimensional, rather, metaphysics was applied to obtain, understand the more of the nature of this entity; and to obtain the information from the entity itself, Baphomet, rather than just depending on others' speculations or truths. And when such methods were utilized by Tracy, we have witnessed strange phenomena around, hail falling down hard, and storms forming, where she would calmly address and tell me as she is smiling with confidence, that it is due to her work and writings, that such are happening.

We do say it once again, 'witches' are born, not made.

  The contents of the book are thus:
     * [ENDSAY]

          Reviewed by Mystagogue Publications

     Treading in these footsteps, we have made a matter of public knowledge both the history of the Assassins and the... “secret, confidential” ... dogmas of the Templars, and how (at least as far as the symbols are concerned) like a Phoenix rising from the flames they most certainly were resurrected in the Order of Freemasons. Plainly we know how to move forward through fires set beneath deceitful ashes, and we perceive how to take a chance on something replete with danger, so that what lay concealed for seven centuries we might undertake to reveal to our readers, that is, the origin of Baphomet.

From Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Preface Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall

Book Back Cover: Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Introduction & Translation & EndnotesBook Front Cover: Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Introduction & Translation & Endnotes
Book Cover Inside Left: Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Introduction & Translation & Endnotes Book Cover Inside Right: Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Introduction & Translation & Endnotes

First Publication of the book

The Secret of Minnie's Mousse

A Posthumous Book Series by The Researcher in The Realms of The Occult, Our Beloved, Tracy R. Twyman - Published by The Infamous & Mysterious House of Mystagogue Publications

The Baphomet-Mickey Mouse American Connection
     Sex and Drugs and Frank Sinatra

"'Mind-Controlled Sex Slaves And the CIA' book sequel on Steroids & more!", "A Literature for the Paranoid to mooch and munch on!", "Never trust a man with egg on his face" , "Was de Sade a monarchist or republican?", "Harrison, why this book was pirated?"
     Reviews by Mystagogue Publications

And it gets Wicked!

On Premium Color Print. A Documentary. Connections between St. Nick, Mickey Mouse, ritual abuse, Rosemary’s Baby, The Three Penny Opera, Charles Manson, and Frank Sinatra all are swiftly established. Mouse as symbol for inducing non-consensual sleep, unconsciousness and initiation, decoding Rosemary’s Baby and it’s connection to the Manson murders, Frank Sinatra and the Mob, Mack the Knife, Minnie Mouse the moocher, the possible castration of Mickey Mouse, the Process Church, Manson 2, and Lil Uzi Vert’s Marilyn Manson necklace. 

In Kindle format & Paperback in Premium Colour 

Book Back Cover: The Secret of Minnie's MousseBook Frong Cover: The Secret of Minnie's Mousse

Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled

For seven centuries, the enigma of Baphomet has mystified both scholars and the general public. Did the Knights Templar really worship a demonic idol of that name? If so, what does the word mean? What is the origin of this figure? What was the nature of the rituals that the Templars performed in secret? What were their covert beliefs? Why, if the Templars initially described their idol as a mummified severed head, is this figure now represented as a hermaphrodite human with the head of a goat?

 Authors Tracy R. Twyman and Alexander Rivera have dived head-first into the bottomless abyss of this mystery and returned with some astounding wisdom to share. Here for the first time they reveal the genesis of these symbols, showing how they relate to the Witches' Sabbath, traditions of Sufi Islam, alchemy, Gnosticism, cabalism, the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, and so much more.

 Learn why the Templars and their beloved severed head are frequently associated with John the Baptist, and how this connects to his student, Simon Magus. Discover the real facts about things like the Chinon Parchment, The Book of the Baptism of Fire, the Templar Abraxas seals, and newly-found documents which claim that the Templars discovered the real Temple of Solomon during a secret trip to Mecca.

 Join Twyman and Rivera on this exciting adventure into the unknown. Immerse yourself in this knowledge, if your heart has the strength. It is certain that your mind will never be the same. 


 Pacts with the Devil
 Seed of the Serpent
 The Goat-Faced Wild Man
 The Three Hermeses
 Divine Knowledge
 The Head of Prophecy
 The Baptism of Wisdom
 Abraxas: Secret of the Temple

Book Cover Back: Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled Book Cover Front: Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled

Clock Shavings

The True Story of the Ordo Lapsit Exillis

In a dank basement in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2001, a group of friends attempted to contact a dead French artist on the Ouija board as part of a research project about the Holy Grail.

They were hoping to get help decoding an historic occult mystery pertaining to the royal bloodline of France. They had no idea they were opening a portal to Hell.

What followed was a 13-year adventure into the supernatural, trailing mysterious clues given to them from beyond the veil.

Join Tracy, Brian, and the brethren of the Ordo Lapsit Exillis, as they explore the secrets of Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, and the Apocalypse, gleaned from the ghostly lips of artist Jean Cocteau, Cain the Murderer, Baphomet the Goat, Lucifer the Lightbearer, and Satan himself.

Initiate yourself into the hidden gnosis of the underworld, the Black Sun, the Ark of the Covenant, the Crucifixion, the Deluge, fallen angels, the war in Heaven, and the coming reign of the Anti-Christ, as told by spirits who are in a position to know.

Learn the secrets of the demons trapped in the Abyss down below. Discover how they plan to return to Earth, and reign once more through the coming of a powerful king.

Now, and only now, at this late hour, can this sub rosa information be told to the public. The window of revealing shall be agape but for a short time. Read less


Exordium: Ab Initio OLE
Chapter 1: Testament of Cocteau
Chapter 2: See the Sun
Chapter 3: The Second Square
Chapter 4: The Dohir Kings
Chapter 5: I Reap All the Wealth
Chapter 6: The Curse of the Nemes
Chapter 7: Learning to Know
Chapter 8: Kettle is Black
Chapter 9: MemoryMask
Chapter 10: Apocalypsis Baphometis
Chapter 11: Operation DoubleCross
Chapter 12: Order Out of Chaos
Chapter 13: Strange Service Terminus: Further and Beyond

Book Cover Back: Clock Shaings Book Cover Front: Clock Shavings

Dagobert's Revenge

Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism
(Volume 4 Number 2)

 Dagobert's Revenge Volume 4, Number 2| Re-Issue in booklet format
[B&W Edition on 70lb Paper(available) 

Reissued from the original files.

          Table of Contents

Jean Cocteau: Man of the 20th Century
Secret History and Sacred Geometry in the Chapel of St. Peter
Pilgrimage: A Visit to the Chapel of St. Pierre
The Prophet: Cocteau’s Message to the Future
Beauty and the Beast: The Hidden Story Behind Cocteau’s Fairy Tale
Sleeping Beauty and the World Mountain
Omega and Genesis: Underground Cities, The Deluge, and the Holy Mountain Hypothesis
The Tower of Babel: Vessel of God
The Compass of Enoch
Cutting of the Orm: New Cabala, Ancient Astrology
13: Secret Power, Sacred Number
The Digital Horizon
Le Serpent Rouge Reinterpreted
Tool Interview: Danny Carrey’s Subterranean Kingdom
Den of Thieves: A Toolean Interpretation of Rennes-le-Chateau
A & E Reviews

Dagobert's Revenge: Musick, Magick, Monarchism (Volume 4 Number 2)Dagobert's Revenge

The Legends of the Jews
Volume IV

From Joshua to Esther 

An original Tracy R. Twyman publication (Available)

    As the Boston Book Review wrote in December 1998: “Nothing better illustrates the odd intimacy of the Bible and interpretation than The Legends of the Jews, a seven volume set of biblical interpretations that was compiled by the famous Judaic scholar Louis Ginzburg nine decades ago, and that remains unsurpassed and indispensable today..”

      This series of books, published between 1909 and 1939, was certainly the first, and is perhaps the greatest, comprehensive overview of Judaic tradition, belief and lore ever published. Utilizing his proficiency in the Latin, Greek, Syriac, Aramaic, Arabic and Akkadian languages, Ginzberg was able to draw not only from the Torah, Talmud, and Midrash, but also from the Pseudepigrapha, Christian scripture and apocrypha, and Islamic legends, his sources spanning in origin from three centuries before Christ unto his own modern times.

      The present volume, which has been out of print for some time, pertains to matters stretching from the time they entered the Promised Land, under the commanding lead of their anointed ruler, Joshua, until the rule of Queen Esther, including the period of the Judges, the reign of kings Solomon and David, the dividing of the kingdom, the captivity, and the return from exile.  

The Legends of the Jews
Cross of Lorraine
Image from Tracy R. Twyman produced short video

TracyRTwyman. om